I purchased a month for a loved one. :)

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Thank you! 🙏🏻 Much appreciated.

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What, no tote bag? I'm disappointed 🤪 jk. I'm going through a painful divorce myself and frankly have to be a little stingy right now, but after it's wrapped up I plan to set aside a budget each month subscribing to authors on substack i love, including you.

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A very belated thank you, Wendy! I totally understand the need to be stingy and I wish you all the best through your divorce. It’s a real kick in the ass, isn’t it? I plan to throw an epic party when it’s over. (Might have to be BYOB because I might have no $$ left! 😂 )

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Oh gosh yes, my stbx has been dragging his feet on the mediation part. It was the same dynamic that drove me nuts - him dragging his feet and me just wanting to get it done!

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Your work is worth supporting Kerala, and I don’t think you should have to feel like you’re bowing to capitalism to ask for that support.

There are other lenses we can look through as creators and supporters, such as communitarianism/collectivism.

Many people who want to contribute won’t see this as a cold, disinterested market exchange where they are trying to negotiate the best exchange for themselves as an act of self-interest; only to cut you off if they find a more competitive offer.

My sense is that most who resonate with your work actually believe in it and want to support it, at least in part because they want to see more of this in the world — not just for themselves, but for everyone they wish could hear it.

You manage to articulate important perspectives in such compelling ways, it’s a gift that not everyone who experiences these things has, so it should be no surprise that those who find you saying the things they wish they could want to back you to keep doing it.

I really hope this doesn’t come across as #mansplainy, it’s something I’m trying to negotiate with my own writing, and know how often I fall into the “is this just capitalism?” trap myself.

Kia kaha! (Stay strong)


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Love the communitarian/collectivism lens. Your words are always thought-provoking and so very true. Thanks Shane!

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